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Clear Lake Truck Accident Lawyers

If you’ve been involved in a truck accident, you know how quickly your life can be turned upside down. One minute you’re minding your own business; the next, you’re injured, unable to work, and desperate for solutions.

Don’t worry — we’re here to help.

The legal team at Houston-based Johnson Garcia has been handling truck accidents in Clear Lake and other Texas communities for decades. We understand the complexities of the law surrounding these cases, and we’ll fight tirelessly to hold the responsible parties accountable.

To do that, though, we first have to understand what factors played a role in your accident.

Understanding The Causes of Truck Accidents in Clear Lake

Identifying the root causes of truck accidents in Clear Lake is essential for building a strong case and securing the compensation you’ll need to recover. Johnson Garcia has handled countless truck accident cases over the years, and here are the most common causes we’ve found:

  • Driver Error. Human error is a leading cause of truck accidents. Mistakes such as misjudging distances, failing to check blind spots, or making improper turns can have catastrophic consequences due to the size and weight of commercial trucks.
  • Fatigue. Truck drivers often face demanding schedules and long hours on the road, leading to fatigue. Drowsy driving impairs reaction time, decision-making abilities, and overall performance, increasing the risk of accidents.
  • Intoxication. Operating a commercial truck while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is illegal and highly dangerous. Intoxicated drivers have impaired judgment, reduced coordination, and slower reaction times, making them a serious threat on the road.
  • Unsecured Load or Cargo. Improperly secured or overloaded cargo can shift during transport, causing the truck to become unbalanced and difficult to control. This instability can lead to rollover accidents or cause the driver to lose control of the vehicle.
  • Distracted Driving. Distractions such as texting, eating, or adjusting navigation systems can take a driver’s attention away from the road, increasing the likelihood of an accident. Given the size and weight of commercial trucks, even a momentary distraction can have disastrous consequences.

Now that you understand the root causes of most truck crashes, let’s turn our attention to the injuries we commonly see in these accidents.

Common Injuries Sustained in Truck Accidents

When a truck weighing over 80,000 pounds collides with a passenger vehicle, the resulting injuries can be catastrophic. At Johnson Garcia, our attorneys have handled numerous cases in Clear Lake and understand the devastating impact these accidents can have on victims and their families. Some of the most common injuries we see in truck accidents include:

Broken Bones

The blunt force trauma experienced in a truck crash can lead to a variety of broken bones. Victims may require surgery, extended hospital stays, and lengthy recovery periods.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Soft tissue injuries, such as lacerations from broken glass or metal shards, are frequently sustained by vehicle occupants in truck accidents. These injuries can be painful and may lead to scarring or disfigurement.


The sheer force of a truck collision can cause a person’s head and neck to jolt violently, resulting in whiplash injuries to the muscles, ligaments, and joints in the neck and upper back. While symptoms often resolve within a few weeks, some individuals may develop chronic pain or more severe neck problems.

Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are among the most serious consequences of truck accidents. Ranging from concussions to severe brain damage, TBIs can have a permanent impact on a person’s cognitive and physical abilities. Victims may require lifelong medical care and assistance with daily activities. In the most severe cases, TBIs can be fatal.

Spine Injuries

The force of a truck accident can crush vertebrae or cause other serious damage to the spine. Even with surgery and treatment, spinal injuries often result in chronic pain and reduced mobility. In the most severe cases, victims may experience paralysis, forever altering their lives.

We have years of experience fighting for the rights of truck accident victims in Clear Lake and throughout Texas. We’ll take all of your injuries into consideration — even those that aren’t readily apparent, like mental anguish, pain, and suffering. In our fight to compensate you for these injuries, though, it’s important to understand who was responsible for them.

Determining Liability in Truck Accident Cases

Determining liability in a truck accident case can be a complex process, as multiple parties may be held responsible for the crash. The Houston-based personal injury attorneys at Johnson Garcia are well-equipped to navigate the legal complexities and fight for the maximum compensation you deserve.

Driver Negligence

Truck drivers have a duty to operate their vehicles safely and follow all traffic laws. If a driver’s negligence, such as speeding, distracted driving, or driving under the influence, causes an accident, they may be held liable for the resulting damages. Our attorneys can investigate the driver’s actions leading up to the crash and gather evidence to support your claim.

Employer Responsibility

Trucking companies have a responsibility to hire qualified drivers, provide proper training, and maintain their vehicles. If an employer fails to meet these obligations and an accident occurs as a result, they may be held liable. Johnson Garcia’s attorneys can examine the trucking company’s records and practices to determine if they contributed to the accident.

Manufacturer Liability

In some cases, a defective truck part or equipment may cause or contribute to an accident. If this is the case, the manufacturer of the faulty component may be held liable for the damages. Our attorneys can work with experts to identify any defects and hold the manufacturer accountable.

Determining liability in a truck accident case often involves multiple parties and complex legal issues. The personal injury attorneys at Johnson Garcia are committed to helping you collect just compensation for your injuries. We can calculate the full extent of your losses and prepare a solid case for recovery.

Types of Compensation Available

There are three primary types of compensation available in a truck accident case, each designed to help victims recuperate and recover in specific ways.

Economic Damages

Economic damages are essentially reimbursements for measurable expenses that arose as a direct result of the truck accident. These expenses are usually straightforward and can be documented with receipts and records. They include:

  • Medical Costs. This encompasses all expenses related to the treatment of injuries sustained in the accident. It covers hospital stays, surgeries, prescription medications, physical therapy, and any ongoing medical care required for recovery or long-term health management.
  • Lost Income. If the accident results in the victim being unable to work, compensation can cover the wages that were lost during the recovery period. This includes not only the earnings lost while the victim was unable to work but also potential future income if the injuries impact their ability to work long-term.
  • Damage to Property. Compensation for repairs or replacement of property damaged in the accident, such as the vehicle. If the truck was totaled or significantly damaged, the compensation would reflect the cost of repair or replacement.
  • Additional Expenses. This includes other out-of-pocket costs incurred due to the accident, such as hiring someone to assist with household tasks or traveling to medical appointments.

Non-Economic Damages

This type of compensation addresses the non-monetary impact of the accident, focusing on the victim’s emotional and psychological suffering. Unlike economic compensation, these damages are less tangible and often require careful evaluation. They include:

  • Physical Pain. Compensation for the discomfort and suffering experienced due to injuries. This considers both the immediate pain following the accident and any chronic pain that persists over time.
  • Emotional Distress. Reimbursement for mental anguish caused by the accident. This can include anxiety, depression, or other emotional difficulties resulting from the traumatic event and its aftermath.
  • Impact on Relationships. This involves compensation for the effect of the accident on personal relationships. It acknowledges the loss of companionship and support experienced by family members and significant others due to the victim’s injuries.
  • Reduced Quality of Life. Compensation for the loss of ability to enjoy life as before the accident. This includes the inability to engage in activities, hobbies, or everyday tasks that the victim used to enjoy.

Punitive Damages

Punitive damages are not meant to reimburse the victim for specific losses but rather to penalize the responsible party for reckless conduct. This type of compensation is intended to serve as a deterrent to prevent similar behavior in the future. It may be awarded in cases involving:

  • Gross Negligence. When the at-fault party’s conduct is extremely reckless, such as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs or engaging in highly dangerous behavior, the aim is to punish the wrongdoer for their blatant disregard for safety.
  • Malicious Intent. If the actions of the at-fault party are found to be intentionally harmful or malicious, punitive damages may be awarded. This type of compensation is meant to address egregious behavior beyond mere negligence.

Punitive damages are rare, but if your case was particularly egregious, the attorneys at Johnson Garcia might pursue them.

Injured in a Truck Accident in Clear Lake?

The dedicated Houston-based team at Johnson Garcia has over 35 years of experience handling truck accident cases in Clear Lake and beyond. If you’ve been injured in one of these devastating crashes, we know the tough road you face to recovery. Don’t walk it alone.

Ready to learn more? Reach out to Johnson Garcia online today or give us a call at 832-844-6700 for a free consultation. Let our experienced team help you secure the compensation you need and the justice you deserve.



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Johnson Garcia LLP



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