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Houston Fire and Explosion Attorneys

Fires or explosions — both inland or offshore — are some of the most devastating and traumatic events anyone can experience. Few injuries are as severe as those resulting from fires and explosions. Regardless of the cause, consequences such as severe and chronic pain, disfigurement, internal injuries, massive scarring, and even death often follow after a fire or explosion. 

Explosions and ensuing fires in Houston are often the results of avoidable errors. Fortunately for the victims of fires and explosions, including burn injury victims and surviving family members who lose loved ones in fires or explosions, Texas law permits them to seek financial compensation against negligent parties.

At Johnson Garcia, we have fought for the rights of Texans injured in fires and explosions for over 35 years. We handle virtually every type of fire or explosion accident case, including propane explosion cases. When individuals, employers, or companies responsible for causing a fire or explosion try to avoid accountability for the damage they cause, our Houston fire and explosion attorneys take them to task and take your case to trial if needed.

Call Johnson Garcia today at 832-844-6700 for a free initial consultation and professional representation.

What Are Common Causes of Fires And Explosions?

Fires and explosions can happen for a number of reasons. However, most fire or explosion accidents are traced back to human error and corporate negligence, such as the violation of basic fire codes.

For the most part, fires and explosions occur at work sites, but they may also occur in homes. In work settings, including warehouses, factories, chemical plants, oil fields, and maritime settings, the common causes of explosions and fires include the following:

  • Faulty wiring
  • Malfunctioning equipment
  • Insufficient maintenance
  • Inadequate training and oversight
  • Improper storage of flammable chemicals, liquids, and gases
  • Inadequate personal protective equipment
  • Blocked exits
  • Incorrect use of equipment
  • Failure to follow recognized safety codes and procedures

Determining the root cause of an explosion or fire accident is crucial to determining if you have grounds for a claim and also allows the courts to identify responsible parties and establish liability. At Johnson Garcia, our Houston fire and explosion attorneys will investigate the cause of the explosion or fire to determine fault and pursue fair compensation for your injuries and losses, such as property damage and medical bills.

What Are Some Common Locations of Fires and Explosions?

Fires and ensuing explosions can happen in a variety of locations, including:

What Are the Common Types of Fire or Explosion Accident Injuries?

As one would expect, fires and explosions can cause catastrophic injuries that require immediate and extensive medical attention. These injuries often require extensive rehabilitative treatment and can severely affect the victim’s quality of life. Common injuries seen in fire and explosion accidents include:

  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Burns
  • Loss of limbs
  • Fractures
  • Back injury
  • Neck injury
  • Spinal damage
  • Hearing loss
  • Eye damage
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Collapsed lungs and other internal injuries
  • Wrongful death

In many cases, the crippling injuries brought on by fires and explosions come with significant financial losses. Many of these injuries may prevent you or a loved one from returning to work. On top of these horrific injuries, fires and explosions can also be fatal, robbing your family of a loved one.

Who Is Responsible for a Fire or Explosion Accident?

Determining liability after a fire or explosion accident is vital to recovering the fair amount of compensation you deserve. However, liability can be a challenging matter. Several parties may be liable, depending on the cause and location of the accident. As such, it’s imperative that you consult an experienced Houston explosion lawyer to assist with your case.

Potentially liable parties after a fire or explosion incident in Houston include the following:

  • Contractor
  • Subcontractor
  • Seller of a defective product
  • Manufacturers of defective products
  • Maintenance company
  • Gas company
  • Construction company
  • Installation company
  • Oil company
  • Trucking company in a truck accident
  • The at-fault driver in motor vehicle accidents

When workers, such as construction site workers, oil rig workers, factory workers, chemical plant employees, and other workers in Houston, suffer fire or explosion injuries, they can pursue compensation for damages through their employer’s workers’ compensation insurance. This policy covers pay and medical benefits after a work-related injury.

Injured workers in Houston can also sue their employers and other responsible third parties in a personal injury suit if the employer does not have a workers’ compensation policy.

In these cases, the deep pockets of potentially liable parties enable them to defend themselves aggressively. Consult a skilled Houston fire and explosion accident lawyer to investigate your claim and gather crucial evidence to determine and prove liability after an accident.

What Damages May Be Available After a Fire or Explosion Injury?

Whether you’re pursuing a personal injury lawsuit or a workers’ compensation claim in Texas after a fire or explosion accident, you can recover damages for the resulting injuries and losses. Recoverable damages after a fire or explosion accident in Houston include:

  • Past lost wages
  • Future loss of earning capacity
  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Pain and suffering — not recoverable in a workers’ compensation claim
  • Medical travel expenses
  • Death benefits

If you suffered injuries in a fire or explosion accident at work, in an apartment, or in your private home, our attorneys can help you fully recover your damages. We handle the full range of fire and explosion cases. Whether your case involves a first-party fire insurance claim against your own insurance company, a workers’ compensation claim, or a third-party liability claim against the corporation or individual responsible for causing the accident, our Houston legal team is ready to help you obtain the justice you deserve.

Our Houston Fire and Explosion Attorneys Are Here To Protect You and Your Family

Fires and explosions can happen anywhere in Houston, Texas. Some fires may start at chemical plants or oil refineries. Other fires and explosions happen offshore. Whatever kind of fire or explosion case you have, we can help.

The Houston fire and explosion attorneys at Johnson Garcia have a solid history of more than 35 years of advocating for clients’ full recovery through hard work and aggressive representation. On top of our extraordinary accomplishments, our legal team provides personal attention and compassionate representation to every client to maximize results. Call us now at 832-844-6700 for a free case evaluation.



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